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Sephadex G-10 is a well established gel filtration resin for desalting and buffer exchange of peptides and small biomolecules >700 molecular weight. Smallest exclusion limit in the Sephadex range.

  • Quickly desalts, removes contaminants and transfers to a new buffer in a single step.
  • Suitable for buffer exchange and cleanup of biological samples, for example peptides, small proteins, and oligosaccharides larger than 700 molecular weight
  • Efficient removal of contaminants such as salts, dyes, and radioactive labels
  • Lowest exclusion limit (700 molecular weight) in the Sephadex G-range
Sephadex is a gel filtration resin prepared by crosslinking dextran with epichlorohydrin. Different types of Sephadex differ in their degree of cross-linking and hence in their degree of swelling and their molecular fractionation range. Sephadex G-10 is one of five different G-types ranging from G-10 for small molecules to G-75 for larger molecules. Sephadex G-50 is available in 4 different particle sizes (Coarse, resin, Fine & Superfine) and Superfine has the smallest bead size for higher efficiency fractionation with shorter diffusion distances. Coarse and resin are are preferred for large scale group separations where high flow rates and low operating pressures are required.
Parameter Sephadex G-10, 100 g
Autoclavable In wet form (pH 7.0) at 120°C for 30 min
Exclusion Limit > 700
Fractionation range (Mr) globular proteins <7 × 10²
Matrix Cross-linked dextran
PSDdry (within specification)1 40 µm – 120 µm
PSDwet2 52 µm – 173 µm (20 µm – 180 µm)
Recommended maximum operational flow velocity3 49 cm/h in column with 2.6 cm inner diameter and 30 cm bed height
Storage 4 to 30°C
pH stability, operational4 2–13
Swelling of dry resin5 2 – 3 mL/g
Pack size 100 g
  • 1Within sieving limits, guide for which Sephadex resin to choose depending on application. = 85% of the volume of particles are found within the range shown
  • 2Calculated wet PSD range based on water regain. Range within which particles can be found is presented within parenthesis and should be used as guide for choosing filter
  • 3The pressure/flow characteristics describes the relationship between pressure and flow under the set circumstances. The pressure given shall not be taken as the maximum pressure of the resin.
  • 4pH range where resin can be operated without significant change in function.
  • 5Swelling in swollen bed in 0,02M NaCl, should be used as guide to column/vessel size.
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