Waterproof PCSTestr35 pH/CON/TDS/Salinity/Temp tester with ATC (01X441506) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/O/PCSTEST35
Thermo Scientific Eutech Elite pH/conductivity/TDS/salinity pocket tester Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/ELITEPCTS
Waterproof ECTestr11+ Multi Range Tester with ATC & temperature display (ECTEST11PLS) (01X377229) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/CO/ECTEST11+
Waterproof ECTest11 Dual Range Tester with ATC (ECTEST11) (01X377228) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/CO/ECTEST11
Waterproof pHTestr 20 Tester with ATC, +/-0.01 pH accuracy (01X366902) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/PH/PHTEST20
Waterproof pHTestr 30 Tester with ATC and Temperature Readout, +/-0.01 pH resolution (01X366903) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/PH/PHTEST30
Waterprof pHTestr 10 Tester with ATC, +/-0.1 pH accuracy (01X366901) Brand: EUTECH SKU: EU/TE/PH/PHTEST10
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